You Are The Sum Of Your 5 Closest Friends

Earlier this week, I got into a conversation during dinner about who is the ‘best’ person we know.

Immediately, two qualifying questions popped up:

  1. Is it someone we know personally, or know of (like a celebrity)?
  2. What are we referring to with the term ‘best’?

The answers:

  1. Pick 1 person we know of, and 1 person we personally know (2 total).
  2. ‘Best’ will be subjective to our personal definitions, but explained further when presenting our choices.

Interestingly, the only name said twice was a celebrity. And it was Steve Irwin!

Even more interesting was how after we announced our choices, the perception of why those people were picked was different from each of our definitions of ‘best’.

I view Steve Irwin as best in his ability to relate to every living being. Some might say he’s best at educating lost values.

There are two take-aways from today’s email.

  1. Surround yourself with people that want to have stimulating conversations
  2. If you can acknowledge who and WHY someone is the ‘best’ person you know, then you know exactly how to become better in your own regard.

That’s all for today.

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