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Initiates United
Theosophical Initiates can pass through 9 levels, as they progress their spiritual development. At the fourth level of Initiation, the soul has reached enlightenment & no longer needs to reincarnate. ...
Initiates United
Theosophical Initiates can pass through 9 levels, as they progress their spiritual development. At the fourth level of Initiation, the soul has reached enlightenment & no longer needs to reincarnate. ...
Can't remember what you didn't learn
Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you were there? Or forgotten where you put your keys? When this happens, the go-to response is usually "My memory...
Can't remember what you didn't learn
Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you were there? Or forgotten where you put your keys? When this happens, the go-to response is usually "My memory...
What is your time worth?
Before you answer that, let me add a stipulation to your answer. It must not be of monetary value. Notice how I didn't ask "how much is your time worth?"...
What is your time worth?
Before you answer that, let me add a stipulation to your answer. It must not be of monetary value. Notice how I didn't ask "how much is your time worth?"...
3 Myths Whose Time's Up
Michael A. Singer says in The Untethered Soul that "The sun does not shine differently on different people." So I believe it's time to shine some light on the 3...
3 Myths Whose Time's Up
Michael A. Singer says in The Untethered Soul that "The sun does not shine differently on different people." So I believe it's time to shine some light on the 3...