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Eliminate Escapism

Chandler Ball

In 2018 I bought a 1999 B-1500 Dodge Ram Van. My plan, which was barely a plan, was to live in the van for the remainder of grad school and...

Eliminate Escapism

Chandler Ball

In 2018 I bought a 1999 B-1500 Dodge Ram Van. My plan, which was barely a plan, was to live in the van for the remainder of grad school and...

Why Don’t People Take Your Advice

Chandler Ball

Have you ever been asked for advice from a friend, watched them ignore it and they suffer the consequence you warned them of?  This is the epitome of a waste...

Why Don’t People Take Your Advice

Chandler Ball

Have you ever been asked for advice from a friend, watched them ignore it and they suffer the consequence you warned them of?  This is the epitome of a waste...

Stop Any Bad Habit In 2 Steps

Chandler Ball

Understanding how habits form The amygdala is the section of your brain that experiences emotions.  With each emotion, new synapses are formed. The more intense the emotion, the more synapses...

Stop Any Bad Habit In 2 Steps

Chandler Ball

Understanding how habits form The amygdala is the section of your brain that experiences emotions.  With each emotion, new synapses are formed. The more intense the emotion, the more synapses...

$100M Success Secrets

Chandler Ball

Every one of us is in the business of selling. You sell yourself on your values, you sell to your relationships their perception of you, and you sell to the...

$100M Success Secrets

Chandler Ball

Every one of us is in the business of selling. You sell yourself on your values, you sell to your relationships their perception of you, and you sell to the...

Which Came First: Happy, Healthy, or Wealthy?

Chandler Ball

Confucius teaches us that “A healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man only wants one.” From this perspective, you must take care of your health before you’re able...

Which Came First: Happy, Healthy, or Wealthy?

Chandler Ball

Confucius teaches us that “A healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man only wants one.” From this perspective, you must take care of your health before you’re able...

What is the tone of your internal monologue?

Chandler Ball

Everyone has one; a voice inside their head.  For most people, their brain is just rationalizing everything in front of them on a loop of contrasting opinion after contrasting opinion. ...

What is the tone of your internal monologue?

Chandler Ball

Everyone has one; a voice inside their head.  For most people, their brain is just rationalizing everything in front of them on a loop of contrasting opinion after contrasting opinion. ...